Sunday, March 1, 2009

One Year

It's been a long year.
But deep down, I've loved every second.
From the first time we met, to the late night phone calls.
From the summer work days, to the days of just playing WoW.

I love you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ode to things I hate

I hate when you call me when your drunk. I hate when you never make time for me, just a little bit of time is all I ever want. I hate when you just act like I'm some girl and say "Oh, sorry I didn't call you for a week. Stress." I hate when I cant wake up and go to the gym. I hate when pictures of me are taken from the right side of my face, and I hate that I'm vein enough to know that when taken of the right side of my face a picture can make my nose gigantic. I hate that I'm not in school. I hate being broke. I hate my dad's previous job for laying him off. I hate when stupid people come in to my job. I hate old people who don't understand common everyday things, like forms or credit card machines. I hate when I see my mom smoking but she's really supposed to be quitting, and she tells me its just because she ran out of patches and shes getting some later. I hate people who drink their coffee through a straw so they don't get their teeth dirty. But mostly, I hate that I really can't hate anything.

I suppose my Ode to hate has become null.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So, just perusing my daily website line up, I notice a new stunt brought upon by animal activist group PETA.

Sea Kittens.

Yes, that's right.
I can't even go into detail.


Save the Sea Kittens?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An so it begins...

How? How did I get so lucky? How is this guy the only person that makes me feel like a million dollars? It's like nothing else. He is the Yang to my Yin, and in most cases he is my opposite. The Virgo to my Pisces.

In the past few weeks life has gone by in a blink. I hardly remember doing anything of substance. Collectively it consists of work, sleeping, Netflix, World of Warcraft, and late night phone calls. Though, I have been looking at what I'm going to be doing in the future more. I printed my application for fasfa (financial aid) the other day, I started saving money, asking for more hours, and refusing to buy anything I really don't need (Well...I needed that stick of RAM. My computer was running like a piece of shit.)

This weekend was amazing. Started off terrible, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed. Jonathan came down, and we just enjoyed each other's...ness. I don't know how to describe how happy I was at the time. He almost didn't come, I was so let down, but he surprised me. He met my family (they loved him), met some of the people I work with (after lots of begging), and slept next to me (best nights ever). I couldn't even process the idea that the voice that I'd heard every night for the past ten or more months was here, in my bed, with a (sexy) body to go with it. I'm crazy in love, and that's perfectly alright with me...

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I'm like...obsessed.

And, it's weird because I've never felt like this.
I should be a little more cautious,
