Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It seems that lately, I've been anticipating a lot of things. Jonathan visiting me, a new camera, WotLK, Twilight, etc. Finally, some of those things are drawing near. Yay!

The other day, I happened to be looking at old photos of my friends and I when things were good. I got a little sad because it's not like that anymore. Everyone has gone their separate ways, or so it seems. But I suppose that was bound to happen. At least I have a few solid things left.

Here's to wishing for more excitement and boyfriend time.

1 comment:

Ames said...

It's sad, but you rarely hold on to your friends for long.

Look outward, young owl, and seek ye new nests in different trees.

P.S. you can apply to college for free this week- take advantage!