Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ode to things I hate

I hate when you call me when your drunk. I hate when you never make time for me, just a little bit of time is all I ever want. I hate when you just act like I'm some girl and say "Oh, sorry I didn't call you for a week. Stress." I hate when I cant wake up and go to the gym. I hate when pictures of me are taken from the right side of my face, and I hate that I'm vein enough to know that when taken of the right side of my face a picture can make my nose gigantic. I hate that I'm not in school. I hate being broke. I hate my dad's previous job for laying him off. I hate when stupid people come in to my job. I hate old people who don't understand common everyday things, like forms or credit card machines. I hate when I see my mom smoking but she's really supposed to be quitting, and she tells me its just because she ran out of patches and shes getting some later. I hate people who drink their coffee through a straw so they don't get their teeth dirty. But mostly, I hate that I really can't hate anything.

I suppose my Ode to hate has become null.


Ames said...

I hate that you're not in school too.

But most of all,
I hate that I don't live near you anymore!

Jessica said...

I know! :O
I missith you.