Friday, October 31, 2008

All In Moderation

So, a blog, wow. Not like journals, diaries, and scraps of paper haven't sufficed all these years. But I'll try this whole 'blogging' business. Especially seeing as I haven't really been able to put pen to paper and come out with something coherent or straight foreword.

I'll start with today. Brandi wants me to go party with her and Rachel, and I mean, I love to party. Drinking is fun, in a destructive "forget everything" kind of way. It makes me forget that I'm not doing anything with my life except life vicariously through some character on an online game, work obsessively saving for a 'common goal', and talk every moment I can to a guy who is really the only person I care to talk to.

But, I'll go. Drink, walk around Wilmington drunk off my ass, call my boyfriend and end up saying many silly silly things, pass out at some random person's house, wake up at the ass crack of dawn, then have to drive, hungover, to my house to go to work.

Cheers, and Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Ames said...

I get my best ideas when drunk and blogging. Welcome aboard. Come see me, and we'll drink, blog, and forget about everything else.