Friday, November 28, 2008

I got sunshine, in a bag...

So, Happy Thanksgiving. A day of turkey, a docile mood, and leftovers for the next few weeks(Not saying that I'll end up eating any, seeing as I hate leftovers).

Today I helped my mom at work. She works at a vet clinic, and we had to take out all the dogs, as well as feed and water them. Which between the barks, nips, and spills, I have finally figured out that I really am not fond of dogs.

OH, and I am reading again. Last week I went and bought the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. Uglies was pretty good for a 'teen-based' novel. Kind of a futuristic 'this may happen to the Earth' read (though, you'd have to get through half the book to realize it); I'm waiting for extra cash so I can buy the other two - Pretties, and Specials.

Now, Fight Club I've only begun...but already I can hear Edward Norton's voice narrating as if I'm watching the words dance across my eyes in that same doleful, yet dangerous tone of voice he had in the movie.

This is when I'd cry because right now, your life comes down to nothing, and not even nothing, oblivion.
Too much estrogen, and you get bitch tits.

Classic. I love it. I'm dying for another good read.

Top 5 things I want in the next 3 months
(in no particular order)
  1. A GPS System.
  2. More hours at work, or more money rather
  3. For my boyfriend to drive/fly down to North Carolina, without hesitation, or fear of coinciding with other things that maybe going on.
  4. A good credit history.
  5. A few good movies.

"We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know."
- W.H. Auden

1 comment:

Ames said...

Love the pic. I miss you!