Saturday, November 8, 2008


"You need to learn to be a little nicer to your boyfriend. You're sooo stubborn!"


I guess that's when I realised that I'm really fucking stubborn. Well, in my opinion, not stubborn, but just someone who wants to do things herself. It commonly gets misinterpreted. As if I'm some cold hearted bitch who doesn't want any help.

It's not that.

I just have always had this thing, ever since I was little, where I do things myself, and I end up getting them done faster. But now, I'm upset because, well...I haven't been treating him or anyone very nicely due to it. I swear I could pass for a Taurus.


How do I get past this?
Undo years and years of physiological determination?

On a side note, my family decided to not fix my car. We're going to wait and have them come and take it away, the car company that is. See, we're like 5-6 months behind on payments, so they'll have to come get it sooner or later, so we decided that wasting a thousand dollars on something that will get taken back is not worth it. The bad part? My parents want me to buy my grandparents car. It's ginormous, old, and not my idea of a nice car. There's my stubbornness kicking in again...

Oh boy.


Ames said...

so....time to go to school yet?

p.s. you're not stubborn, you're dedicated. Everyone else can go to

Jessica said...

Not yet. But I'm getting close. :)
I'm excited about actually doing something..though, it's notlooking as close as I thought. My mom and I applied for grants and such, so YAY!
A step up from last time. :)

and, thanks, it's nice to hear that from someone. :) <3